In the model specification, change the prior on the mu[j] as indicated in the exercise:
# Hyperpriors for mu and kappa:
## Four mu version:
#for ( j in 1:nCond ) {
# mu[j] ~ dbeta( a[j,mdlIdx] , b[j,mdlIdx] )
# Two mu version:
for ( j in 1:2 ) {
mu[j] ~ dbeta( a[j,mdlIdx] , b[j,mdlIdx] )
mu[3] <- mu[2]
mu[4] <- mu[2]
From p. 315 of the book: "... when initializing chains in BUGS [and JAGS!], only stochastic variables have random chains and therefore only the stochastic variables are initialized. Any variable that has a value set by the assignment operator, “<-”, has a deterministic, not stochastic value. But sometimes, as in the present application, a vector has some stochastic components and some nonstochastic components. The way to initialize such vectors is to provide a specific value for the stochastic components, and an NA value to the nonstochastic components..."
Hence, in the initialization section, include the following code:
sqzData = .01+.98*dataList$nCorrOfSubj/dataList$nTrlOfSubj
mu = aggregate( sqzData , list(dataList$CondOfSubj) , "mean" )[,"x"]
sd = aggregate( sqzData , list(dataList$CondOfSubj) , "sd" )[,"x"]
kappa = mu*(1-mu)/sd^2 - 1
initsList = list( theta = sqzData ,
# For four mu version:
# mu = mu ,
# For two mu version:
mu = c( mu[1] , mean( mu[2:4] ) , NA , NA ) ,
mu0 = mean(mu) ,
kappa = kappa ,
mdlIdx = 1 )
And, in run-the-chains section, uncomment the explicit initialization:
jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt" , data=dataList , inits=initsList ,
n.chains=nChains , n.adapt=adaptSteps )
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