# # Animating the Metropolis Algorithm # ------------------------------------------- # source: # http://mbjoseph.github.io/blog/2013/09/08/metropolis/ # Prepare ---------------------------------------- require(sm) # needs 'rpanel' dir.create("metropolis_ex") # Setup # -------------------------------------- # population level parameters mu <- 6 sigma <- 3 # data-values n <- 50 # metropolis iter <- 10000 chains <- 3 sigmaJump <- 0.2 # plotting seq1 <- seq( 1, 200, by= 5) seq2 <- seq(200, 450, by= 10) seq3 <- seq(450, 750, by= 50) seq4 <- seq(750, iter, by=150) xlims <- c(4, 8) ylims <- c(1, 5) zlims <- c(0, 0.7) widthPNG <- 1200 heightPNG <- 750 # Helpers # -------------------------------------- # collect some data (e.g. a sample of heights) gendata <- function(n, mu, sigma) { rnorm(n, mu, sigma) } # log-likelihood function ll <- function(x, muhat, sigmahat){ sum(dnorm(x, muhat, sigmahat, log=TRUE)) } # prior densities pmu <- function(mu){ dnorm(mu, 0, 100, log=TRUE) } psigma <- function(sigma){ dunif(sigma, 0, 10, log=TRUE) } # posterior density function (log scale) post <- function(x, mu, sigma){ ll(x, mu, sigma) + pmu(mu) + psigma(sigma) } geninits <- function(){ list(mu = runif(1, 4, 10), sigma = runif(1, 2, 6)) } jump <- function(x, dist = 0.1){ # must be symmetric x + rnorm(1, 0, dist) } # compute # ---------------------------------------- # init proposed <- array(dim = c(chains, 2, iter)) posterior <- array(dim = c(chains, 2, iter)) accepted <- array(dim = c(chains, iter-1)) # the data x <- gendata(n, mu, sigma) for (c in 1:chains){ props <- array(dim=c(2, iter)) theta.post <- array(dim=c(2, iter)) inits <- geninits() theta.post[1, 1] <- inits$mu theta.post[2, 1] <- inits$sigma for (t in 2:iter){ # theta_star = proposed next values for parameters jumpMu <- jump(theta.post[1, t-1], sigmaJump) jumpSigma <- jump(theta.post[2, t-1], sigmaJump) theta_star <- c(jumpMu, jumpSigma) pstar <- post(x, mu = theta_star[1], sigma = theta_star[2]) pprev <- post(x, mu = theta.post[1, t-1], sigma = theta.post[2, t-1]) lr <- pstar - pprev r <- exp(lr) # theta_star is accepted if posterior density is higher w/ theta_star # if posterior density is not higher, it is accepted with probability r # else theta does not change from time t-1 to t accept <- rbinom(1, 1, prob = min(r, 1)) accepted[c, t - 1] <- accept if (accept == 1){ theta.post[, t] <- theta_star } else { theta.post[, t] <- theta.post[, t-1] } props[, t] <- theta_star } proposed[c, , ] <- props posterior[c, , ] <- theta.post } # Plot # ---------------------------------------------- oldPath <- getwd() setwd("metropolis_ex") sequence <- c(seq1, seq2, seq3, seq4) cols <- c("blue", "purple", "red") png(file = "metrop%03d.png", width=widthPNG, height=heightPNG) for (i in sequence){ par(font.main=1, cex.main=1.2) layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=1), widths=c(1.0, 1.5)) # prepare empty plot plot(0, type="n", xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims, xlab="mu", ylab="sigma", main="Markov chains") for (j in 1:chains) { # first all the gray lines lines(proposed[j, 1, 1:i], proposed[j, 2, 1:i], col="gray") } for (j in 1:chains) { # now the accepteds lines(posterior[j, 1, 1:i], posterior[j, 2, 1:i], col=cols[j]) } text(x=6, y=1.0, paste("Iteration ", i), cex=1.2) sm.density(x=cbind(c(posterior[, 1, 1:i]), c(posterior[, 2, 1:i])), xlab="mu", ylab="sigma", zlab="", xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims, zlim=zlims, col="white") title(main="Posterior density") } dev.off() # combine .png's into one .gif # system('convert2gif.bat') # had to write a .bat-file # system('convert -delay 20 *.png "metropolis.gif"') # doesent work #file.remove(list.files(pattern=".png")) setwd(oldPath) #
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Visualization of Metropolis with rejected proposals
In response to a previous post, Tinu Schneider has embellished the Metropolis visualization of Maxwell Joseph so it includes explicit plotting of rejected proposals (shown as grey segments). Here are the animated gif and R code. Many thanks to Tinu for sending this! (The gif, below, may take a few moments to load.)
Created by Pretty R at inside-R.org
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