Friday, August 3, 2012
Program updates and changes
The plotPost() function, which plots histograms of MCMC chains annotated with HDI and other info, was changed a few weeks ago. plotPost() now returns summary information about the chain instead of summary information about the histogram. A reader caught a conflict this caused in the program BernMetropolisTemplate.R, which has now been changed to accommodate the new plotPost(). The new programs can be found at the usual site: zip file with all the programs has also been updated. Please let me know right away if you find other programs that have conflicts with the new plotPost(). Greatly appreciated!
i am having issues with plotPost... please find the code below. i have tried directly running/ sourcing the code before using bermetropolis, Filconjags, etc...
actually it won't let me- it thinks it is html code.
Hi. Sorry for your frustration but a solution is simple. First, make sure that plotPost.R is in the same folder as your other DBDA programs from the book. Second, make sure that R or RStudio has that folder as its working directory. r will not be able to find plotPost otherwise.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteThey were in the same folder... =)
I had the old folder set as WD previously (I set it as such was back a few months ago)....? But I do know, in my exhaustion, I did not do set it as such when I deleted the old and put the new one in the middle of the night. I am not sure what happened before (my error was slightly different the first several times).
It is working on correctly now. Thank you. =)